SAMAJAM Drum Circle
Available everywhere in Quebec…and Canada!



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Voici ce que les participants vivront lors de l’expérience du Cercle de Tambours SAMAJAM :

  1. Apprendre à jouer collectivement : Ils s’initieront à la pratique de divers instruments de percussion de manière ludique et collective. Aucune compétence musicale préalable n’est requise ; seul compte l’enthousiasme de vivre ensemble un moment fort, vibrant et empreint d’émotion collective.
  1. S’impliquer activement : Les participants se transforment en véritables acteurs de cette aventure musicale collaborative, s’immergeant au cœur d’une exploration rythmée, immersive et énergisante qui dure entre 30 à 90 minutes.
  1. Créer en équipe : Ils vivront l’impact positif et rassembleur de la création de musique en équipe, mettant en avant l’importance de l’écoute active, de la collaboration et de la communication. C’est une aventure non-compétitive qui incite à l’expression personnelle afin de contribuer à renforcer la cohésion du groupe.
  1. Une guidance professionnelle : Ils seront guidés tout au long de cette aventure par les musiciens charismatiques, enthousiastes et rassembleur de SAMAJAM, qui bénéficient d’une riche expérience sur scène et dans l’animation de groupes et de foules, y compris à l’international pour certains.
  1. Une activité totalement engageante : Ils seront invités à jouer pendant environ 90% de l’expérience. Celle-ci est ainsi hautement interactive et participative, incitant chaque participant à s’exprimer pleinement et librement à travers les instruments de son choix.


SAMAJAM Drum Circle

This collective musical experience, well beyond simple entertainment, acts as a powerful catalyst to stimulate positive group dynamics. In addition to offering your team an opportunity to have fun and energize, it acts as a practical exercise to highlight and strengthen some of their skills, all in a context of concrete action, commitment and active participation.

Here is one or more of the positive outcomes that participants will be able to gain from the experience of the SAMAJAM Drum Circle:

  1. Team building: This musical activity provides an exceptional opportunity to collaborate in a creative and non-competitive way, promoting awareness the positive impact of each individual on the dynamics and overall success of the team.
  1. Improvement of listening: The Cercle de Tambours stimulates and promotes the development of active listening skills, a real asset for more effective and empathetic communication within the team.
  1. Stimulation of creativity: The experience encourages the expression of creativity, both individual and collective, thus promoting the spontaneous sharing of new ideas and creative and positive cooperation between participants.< /li>
  1. Comfort Zone Expanding: The experience respectfully and gradually invites participants to step out of their comfort zone, helping them gain confidence and feel greater unity as a person. ‘team.
  1. Stress reduction: Through its rhythm and playful nature, this musical activity offers a valuable opportunity to relieve stress and tension, while enjoying ‘fun.

More information > Contact us


Our SAMAJAM Drum Circle activities are tailor-made and adapt to the needs and preferences of your group, whatever its size, the location of the activity or the spoken language.

Drawing on our experience, we are able to quickly offer you the most suitable format, taking into account the profile of your group, the themes covered and your budget. In general, here is what we offer:

✩ 30 to 90 minutes

  • Minimum: 10 participants
  • Maximum: 200
  • On average: Between 25 and 125 participants
  • Everywhere in Quebec and Canada
  • Several international performances performed during our tours

  • English & French
  • Adaptation for all countries with translators, during our international tours
  • This participatory musical experience does not require any prior musical skills.
  • All teams can participate, regardless of their sector of activity or age group.
  • All year round
  • Mainly established according to the number of people, the instruments chosen and the location of the activity.

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